Quantum Dynamics & Condensed Matter at ISTA
Quantum Dynamics & Condensed Matter at ISTA
Dmitry A. Abanin
Many-body localization proximity effect in a two-species bosonic Hubbard model
Optimal Steering of Matrix Product States and Quantum Many-Body Scars
Localization of a mobile impurity interacting with an Anderson insulator
Propagation of many-body localization in an Anderson insulator
Thouless energy across the many-body localization transition in Floquet systems
Quantum many-body scars and weak breaking of ergodicity
Quantum Many-Body Scars and Weak Breaking of Ergodicity
Stability of mobility edges in disordered interacting systems
Emergent SU(2) Dynamics and Perfect Quantum Many-Body Scars
Colloquium: Many-body localization, thermalization, and entanglement
Loschmidt echo in many-body localized phases
Power-Law Entanglement Spectrum in Many-Body Localized Phases
Landau Level Splittings, Phase Transitions, and Nonuniform Charge Distribution in Trilayer Graphene
Criterion for Many-Body Localization-Delocalization Phase Transition
Local Conservation Laws and the Structure of the Many-Body Localized States
Universal Slow Growth of Entanglement in Interacting Strongly Disordered Systems
New Dirac points and multiple Landau level crossings in biased trilayer graphene